SCALP are writing a report on the Policing of the Palestine Solidarity Movement in Scotland and we need your help
Since October 2023, there has been a global wave of protests and actions calling for an end to the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli State. In Scotland, we have seen weekly solidarity marches across the country, direct action against arms factories, student occupations of universities, and many other acts of solidarity and resistance.
In response, groups and individuals taking action in solidarity with Palestine have faced oppression by Police Scotland and the Scottish criminal legal system. As of October 2024, five pro-Palestine activists were incarcerated in Scotland. Our legal observers have witnessed first-hand, the physical violence that Police Scotland have inflicted on protestors. SCALP has also been informed about instances of harassment of Palestinian solidarity campaigners by the police in their own homes.
SCALP are now writing a report on the policing of the Palestine solidarity movement in Scotland, which will complement the recent report, ‘In Our Millions’ produced by Netpol on the policing of the Palestine solidarity protests in England and Wales.
We are grateful to all who are able to share their experiences with us.
What information are we looking for?
- Arrests and charges for direct action or civil disobedience
- Arrests made under counter-terrorism legislation
- Arrests and charges under hate crime legislation
- Referrals to the government ‘Prevent’ programme
- Use of excessive force or violence
- Police racism and islamophobia
- Police surveillance of rallies and marches (e.g., filming protestors)
- Police visits to the home or workplace of campaigners and activists
- Stop & Search of activists before, during or after attending a protest
- Police pressure on public meeting venues hosting Palestine solidarity meetings and events
- Police officers challenging the wording of placards, banners, chants, and leaflets
- Other concerns about the conduct of police officers, courts and prisons in relation to Palestine solidarity activists
How to Write and Submit your Testimony
To help us process the responses, you will be asked to include the following information in your testimony:
- When did the incident happen?
- Who was involved?
- Where did the incident take place?
- What exactly did the police do?
- What have been the consequences for you so far (if any)?
- How did the incident make you feel?
- Your contact information (phone number or signal username and/or email)
Please submit your testimony by filling in our encrypted form.
**By sharing your evidence and testimony, you give your consent for SCALP to publish this information. All testimonies will be anonymised.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions, or for further guidance writing and submitting your testimony. You can contact us at activists_legal@protonmail.com.
Please submit your testimonies by 1 February 2025.