We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protests across the World.
Scottish Activist Legal Project are providing Legal Observers, guidance, and back office support for the protests in Glasgow and Edinburgh on Sunday 7 June 2020.
The poster below has the key info to help you protect yourself and others at these rallies, please share it widely.
Printable versions
Printable ‘bust card’ pocket version, PDFDownload
More detailed guidance
Read more about protest under COVID-19 ‘Phase 1’ in our series of info cards.
Plain text from the poster
No Comment
You only have to give details to police if you are arrested or witness a crime. You don’t have to answer questions. Stick to ‘no comment’.
Under what power
Ask police if you are legally required to do something they ask of you. Ask them what power they are operating under.
If you’re arrested
* A group of volunteers is ready to help you – when the police ask if you want a friend to be contacted you can give the number of the legal support line below and we’ll support you.
* If you are arrested you only need to give you name, address, date of birth, place of birth and nationality, that’s all.
* Don’t accept a duty solicitor, you have the right to a solicitor of your choice – for this protest we recommend using Clare Ryan, number below.
* It’s not recommended to accept a caution.
Legal Observers are present
Volunteer Legal Observers (wearing orange fluorescent vests) are monitoring the police and recording arrests to help us challenge police abuse.
Write down these numbers just in case:
Good solicitor to use if arrested (Clare Ryan): 07977 000 312
Backoffice (Legal support line for this protest): 07592 909 495
Scottish Activist Legal Project is a group of volunteers and activists supporting environmental and social justice activism.
email: activists_legal@protonmail.com
Website: www.scottishactivistlegalproject.co.uk